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Forget the classroom environment - all of these classes are informative, hands-on and very rewarding; you'll be hard-pressed to fit it all in!

Chilled Art

Every picture tells a story.  This club is bound to get your creative side flowing on Thursday mornings at 10.00 am in the Wickham Room.  Patricia Fray runs this group and she can be contacted on 01329 832751 for more details.

Scallywags School for Dogs 

You'd be barking mad to miss this class!  Claire offers positive, force-free, reward-based dog behaviour and training advice for dog owners.  Classes take place in the Long Room on Tuesday evenings from 6.30 pm until 9.00 pm.  For more information call her on 01329 833813.

Southampton & District Canine Association 

Southampton & District Canine Association are pleased to announce the opening of our new show dog training classes (Ringcraft) at WCC on Monday 10th February this year.

We’ve had a great start with lots of support from puppy dogs to veteran dog owners. We have experienced trainers, refreshments and even a dog treat/food stand. We will be adding events throughout the year to include Good Citizens Bronze training (open to all dogs) and competition nights. Ringcraft is held from 8.15 pm - 10 pm every Monday except for bank holidays. 

You can find us on Facebook under Southampton & District Canine Association or our website which is

University of Third Age, Meon Valley

Never dull, U3A cover the most interesting topics during their meetings, which take place every other Tuesday in the Houghton Room between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm. They even have refreshments! Pop along or call Brian Barrett on 01329 833384 to confirm the date of the next meeting.


Every Thursday during term-time, Georgina Lucas will develop your interest in furniture and design during this informative course, giving step by step instruction in a modern, friendly environment.  Call her to discuss your project on 02380 767115.
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