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Community Projects


We have a bookcase in our foyer for people to donate or swap books, you may choose whether to donate towards the centre or the community garden project.

Please make sure any books donated are in reasonable condition.

Community Cafe:

We currently haven't set this up yet.

Are you interested in this project?

Community Fridge:

Wickham Community Centre has a community fridge in the foyer. If you have surplus food that is destined to be wasted, please come and give it to our hungry fridge!

Food donated to the fridge can be 'rescued' by anyone. Just pop in and see what's there.

All we ask is that, if possible, you log what you've donated, and log when you've rescued some food

And please, where possible, PAY IT FORWARD

Community Garden:

Based at The Wickham Community Centre. The Wickham community garden provides a place for local people to plant and grow together.

Wednesdays 10am - 1pm 

Pop along to help maintain the garden for the benefit of everyone

All welcome, anyone can volunteer

Meet new people and have fun, get fit 

Monday Lunch Club:

There is no guessing which day this group get together!  On the third Monday of the month, the seniors of Wickham get together for social support, entertainment and lunch in the Houghton Room.  Volunteers at the Centre help us to provide this very necessary social club.  At £6.50 per head, this covers tea, coffee and a 2-course lunch.  Call the organisers on 01329 833165 to register your place.

Wickham Men's Shed:

Roll up any time between 10am - 1pm in the green container (at the back of the building). Coffee, chat and jobs to do. For more information call David on 07979 572112

Table Tennis:

Pay & play, £5 for 4 people and £10.50 5+ people, just call us and arrange a time or book online today!

The Wickham Pantry:

Tuesdays 1-3 pm, 6-8 pm.

This provides a helping hand for those who need it, the pantry provides £15 worth of food shopping for only £6!

For further information please contact
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