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Let's get in touch

Our aim is to provide accessible facilities for the local and wider community. If you would like to discuss your requirements with us in more detail or have any questions about the booking system or centre then please feel free to contact us.

Contact information

Booking & general enquiries:

Please use the booking request form to make a booking request.
We will reply to this email address.
You can enter a maximum of 1000 characters
/ 1000

How to find us

Address for Wickham Community Centre

  1. Mill Lane
  2. Wickham
  3. Hampshire
  4. PO17 5AL

You can now donate to the centre via text:

to donate £1, text UWVV01 to 70201
to donate £3, text UWVV01 to 70331
to donate £5, text UWVV01 to 70970
to donate £10, text UWVV01 to 70191

It is also possible to give a donation via the PayPal button below:

Social media

Click below to follow us on social media:
Powered by LemonBooking
Community centre booking system