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For Business

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In a challenging economic climate, many businesses are turning to more cost effective venues for meetings, seminars and conferences.

The Wickham Centre is an excellent choice that not only offers value for money but is local; easily accessible as it is close to J9 on M27; and we have plenty of free parking!

We love to be flexible!  Any of our rooms can be hired by the hour and not by the number of delegates.  You only pay for the time you use and we will invoice you, in arrears, at the end of the month.

There are flipcharts, tables and chairs which we loan free of charge, and can provide colour photocopying, using a projector, screen, bluray and PA system for a nominal charge.  In some circumstances, we may also be able to supply secretarial services by prior arrangement.

When you make a booking, you will be asked how you would like the room set-up; room rates include all tables and chairs which will be arranged to your preference - theatre, boardroom, conference, classroom - you choose.

You can opt for refreshments to be available throughout your meeting which is £2.50 per head.  This is usually presented on a self-service basis and includes tea, coffee, squash and water - we even throw in the biscuits!

For companies that have a requirement for regular meetings, then we offer a very generous discount for 10 or more bookings, which do not have to be consecutive.

The pictures to your right are in order of conference/meetings/seminar setups in the Houghton room which is on the ground floor which is carpeted, Woodford Suite upstairs which does have fantastic acoustics and lastly the Houghton Room again set up as a meeting.

The Wickham Centre is not VAT registered and therefore is even better value for money!

Unlike any other venue we are set in a rural village with very affordable rooms compared to any other conference/meeting/seminar room hire in all of hampshire! We have great support from the business magazine from Portsmouth news and as they have quoted "The Wickham Centre is the gap in the market for affordable venue hiring for businesses.


Many of our business clients don't necessarily hold their meetings during office hours.  Because the Centre is usually open during the evenings and weekends, we offer greater flexibility on all bookings.
We are fortunate to be the preferred venue for Wickham Chamber of Trade; Wickham Parish Council; Open Sight; U3A; Slimming World, Foresters Friendly Society; and Wickham Healing Centre to name but a few.

Conferences and Training

We are more than just a venue.  Not only do we provide the rooms but we can offer catering and equipment to suit.

Due to the diversity of our facilities, we are regularly booked as a training venue for Hampshire Constabulary; Care in the Community; Action for Children; SBA Financial; St. James's Wealth Management; PACEY; Family Placement; and The Children's Trust.

Many of our conference organisers also use additional rooms for a breakout area; splinter meetings; and for dining.

We provide full accessibility for our disabled patrons.

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